Cottonwood settles Clean Water Act lawsuit against Spanish Peaks.
Cottonwood has settled a federal Clean Water Act lawsuit that it filed on behalf of its members and Gallatin Wildlife Association against Spanish Peaks ski and golf resort. The agreement requires the Resort to replace the torn liner of its treated sewage pond and limit the amount of treated sewage that it uses to irrigate its golf course. Spanish Peaks will pay the Montana Bureau of Mining and Geology and others to research other sources of nitrogen pollution impacting the Gallatin River. Read the joint press release.
This settlement is a major victory towards ending the algae blooms on the Gallatin River. Cottonwood will now use the agreement as leverage in a companion lawsuit it has against the Big Sky Water & Sewer District, which refuses to replace the torn liners in its sewage ponds. The settlement will also be used in Cottonwood’s Clean Water Act lawsuit against Big Sky Resort for over-irrigating its golf course. Independent consultants have determined over irrigation of the golf courses is a major cause of the nitrogen pollution causing the algae blooms.
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